It’s SPRINGTIME in Athens, Georgia & that means..... A S P A R A G U S!

Just like we hand pack and hand pour every jar of our pickles, we hand label them too. 😊

Just like we hand pack and hand pour every jar of our pickles, we hand label them too. 😊

It’s finally   ASPARAGUS SEASON again, PHriends! ....& we have been busy washing, trimming and pickling perfect spears of asparagus for a week now ....& it’s ready for purchase!



Our long asparagus spears with their flowery tips are pretty alongside cheeses and as garnishes for bloody marys.



 And our BITS are made with the tender part of the asparagus spear that are cut into bite sized pieces. They are also great on cheese plates, sprinkled atop a fancy hotdog, in cold pasta salads with feta cheese ....or just for the perfect light, keto friendly snack!

You can find both SPEARS and BITS in the ‘PRODUCTS’ link on our website.

Take advantage of the opportunity to order them now ‘cause just like SPRINGTIME.... they won’t last long!  

Angie Tillman